Atlas recently conducted the Atlas Chooty Rahasak Thagi Godak promotion, which invited fans of
Atlas Chooty pens to send in three empty refills. Each individual who sent in three empty refills was
subsequently entered into a draw. The winners of the draw received valuable gifts including laptops,
underwater cameras and telescopes. Each winner also received LKR 1,000/- worth of gifts from
Atlas. The draw was conducted at Atlas in the presence of relevant Government officials and the
prizes were handed out to the winners at a special ceremony held recently at Atlas’s offices in
Entering Sri Lanka’s market for Pens in the late 1980s, Atlas today remains the only manufacturer to
produce pens locally. The brand consistently focuses on delivering unmatched writing pleasure
through fine writing with a smooth and fast feel. This exceptional writing experience empowers
students to enjoy their educational activities while being creative and expressive.
Atlas pens are engineered to perfection and manufactured in accordance with international
standards and Atlas’s products are now beginning to take a foothold in international markets as well.
The Atlas Chooty pen was introduced in the year 2000 and for 20 years has remained Sri Lanka’s
favourite pen. Atlas is the only company in Sri Lanka to maintain an R&D facility for Pens and the
company’s commitment to quality, research and development has placed Atlas Chooty at the fore
front of consumers’ minds.
Speaking about the promotion, Ruwani Dias – Category Head for Atlas Pens said, “This promotion is
part of our ongoing engagement activities with our loyal consumers and fans. The Atlas Chooty
Rahasak Thagi Godak competition received active participation, with numerous fans engaging with
us. The winners of this round of the Atlas Chooty Rahasak Thagi Godak promotion were M.G.G.K.
Sandeepa, an NDT student of the University of Moratuwa who has been using Atlas Chooty since his
school days and Haripriya Manujith, who sat for his Ordinary Level exams using Atlas Chooty last
December. We take this opportunity to thank all our Atlas Chooty fans and consumers for their loyal
patronage over the years.”
Atlas Axillia Co. (Private) Limited, formerly known as Ceylon Pencil Company (Private) Limited, was
founded in 1959 and has since grown to become Sri Lanka’s market leader in school stationary
manufacturing. Fuelled by a passion for providing school children with essential tools for success,
“Atlas” has created a strong connection with Sri Lankan consumers, being voted Sri Lanka’s most
loved brand in 2017 and has also recently won many national and international awards for
excellence including the National Quality Award 2018, the Global Performance Excellence Award
2019 and the Special Achievement Award at the National Occupational Safety and Health Excellence
Awards 2018.
Caption for the photo: The winners of the Atlas Chooty Rahasak Thagi Godak promotional draw
received their prizes at a special ceremony held at Atlas's offices in Peliyagoda. Valuable prizes
including laptops, underwater cameras and telescopes were awared to the winners along with gift
packs courtesy of Atlas. Pictured are the two winners of this round of the promotion, MGGK
Sandeepa and LA Haripriya Manujith.
