

In recognition of its exceptional quality and outstanding lean management practices, Atlas Axillia was recently honored with the Nagaaki Yamamoto KAIZEN Gold Award; emerging as the overall competition winner for 2018.


The award was presented at the most prestigious annual JASTECA Awards Ceremony organized by The Japan-Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association (JASTECA)

KAIZEN Award is presented to organizations that are committed to enhance their efficiency and business productivity, recognizing those who excel in 5S, Kaizen and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.


Nagaaki Yamamoto Kaizen award evaluates businesses under 8 types of Japanese Techniques of Management: Kaizen, 5S, Quality Circle, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), Kanban, Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment), Poka Yoke (Mistake proofing) & Seven Quality Tools.


Atlas Axillia’s commendable adaptation of KAIZEN, the culture of every day innovations by every single employee sustained for a long period of time, along with the lean management techniques have provided an efficient operating platform that has resulted in an effective and an agile deployment of systems. The company’s adaptation of the 5S foundation has created a safer, more organized and a dependable mechanism that has impacted the workplace environment greatly.


Addressing the gathering at the Award Ceremony, Asitha Samaraweera, Managing Director Atlas Axillia said , “This prestigious Gold award is a true testimony to the fact that a Sri Lankan home-grown business can reach global benchmarks and is capable of performing; sustaining and winning amidst volatile economic trends.”


“Through the deployment of efficient, sustainable ethical business processes that are recognized nationally, we will continue to serve our customers with innovative high quality products  at an affordable price” said Viraj Jayasooriya, Director – Operations at Atlas Axillia.


In what could be called a consolidation of its corporate strength and presence, Atlas Axillia has been the recipient of many prestigious awards in the past few years.  Some of the recent accolades include; winner of National Quality Award (NQA) 2018 ,  winner of National Productivity Award (NPA) 2018 , winner of 7 Gold Awards  at the National Convention on Quality and Productivity in 2016 & 2017, The NEOSH Safety Award in 2016 .

In 2017, Atlas Axillia also bagged the Title of the Most Loved Brand.

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